Analysis of Convolutional Neural Network-based Image Classifications: A Multi-Featured Application for Rice Leaf Disease Prediction and Recommendations for Farmers
Deep Learning Rice Leaf Disease, Tkinter, Vgg16, Inception V3, ResNet-50Abstract
This study presents a novel method for improving rice disease classification using 8 different convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithms, which will further the field of precision agriculture. A thorough investigation of deep learning methods is carried out using the UCI dataset in order to create a reliable and effective model that can correctly identify a range of rice diseases. The suggested transfer learning models performs better at identifying subtle features and complex patterns in the dataset, which results in extremely accurate disease classification. Moreover, the study goes beyond the creation of models by incorporating an intuitive Tkinter-based application that offers farmers a feature-rich interface. With the help of this cutting-edge application, farmers will be able to make timely and well-informed decisions by enabling real-time disease prediction and providing personalized recommendations. Together with the user-friendly Tkinter interface, the smooth integration of cutting-edge CNN transfer Learning algorithms-based technology that include ResNet-50, InceptionV3, VGG16, MobileNetv2 with the UCI dataset represents a major advancement toward modernizing agricultural practices and guaranteeing sustainable crop management. Remarkable outcomes include 75% accuracy for ResNet-50, 90% accuracy for DenseNet121, 84% accuracy for VGG16, 95.83% accuracy for MobileNetV2, 91.61% accuracy for DenseNet169, and 86% accuracy for InceptionV3. These results give a concise summary of the models' capabilities, assisting researchers in choosing appropriate strategies for precise and successful rice crop disease identification. A severe overfitting has been seen on VGG19 with 70% accuracy and Nasnet with 80.02% accuracy. On Renset101 only an accuracy of 54% could be achieved along with only 33% on efficientNetB0. MobileNetV2 trained model was successfully deployed on a tkinter GUI application to make predictions using image or real time video capturing.
Copyright (c) 2024 Biplov Paneru (Author)
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